Formatting Contact Information on Your Resume: Essential Tips | InfoBrother

Resume Contact Information:

Formatting Contact Information on Your Resume: Essential Tips


When searching for employment, your resume is one of the most crucial tools you'll utilize to convey your abilities, traits, and credentials. Employers frequently scan resumes at first, so it's critical to know how to write and structure yours properly to get their attention straight away.

Your contact information is a crucial component that has to be towards the top of your resume. So that a prospective employer may get in touch with you quickly and easily, a well-organized contact information section should be thorough and simple to access. Here, we'll go through how to provide your contact details on a resume in the most effective way possible.

Even if you are the most qualified candidate, it won't mean much if the hiring manager can't get in touch with you!

If you don't include contact information on your CV, companies and hiring managers may not be able to reach you, which might lead to a missed opportunity. Your contact information should be correct and up-to-date, and it should be shown on your CV in a prominent location.

In this article, we'll go through how to put information section on a resume step-by-step, along with some concrete examples you can use.

Before we get into the specifics of the contact information, let's go through the contents of the section. The following is what you would put in your resume's contact information:

What Should be Included?

Contact Information:

  • First Name, Last Name: e.g. "Sardar Omar"
  • Professional Title: e.g. "Software Engineer"
  • Phone Number: e.g. "+00 123 456789"
  • Email Address: e.g. "[email protected]"
  • Location: e.g. "Adelaide, SA"

Optional Information:

What Should You Avoid?

  • Date of Birth - The HR manager doesn't need to know your age unless it's essential, like a position that says you have to be at least 21 years old. It is not a significant component in decision-making and can lead to age discrimination.
  • Unprofessional Email Address.
Correct Email:
[email protected]
Incorrect Email
[email protected]

Choosing where to include your contact information on your resume is the first step to listing it properly. Your contact information should ideally be placed immediately beneath your name.

This valuable information should include the following:

Let's now discuss contact information for resume best practices. Starting with your name, we'll go through each part and show you how to complete it correctly.

Your name should be very self-explanatory, right? However, perhaps going over some of the best practices is still a good idea. We'll want to use the exact same name that is specified in our academic record in order to keep things easy. Use your real name, not the one you use on social media, like a Ninja Bro. It's best to use your entire name as it appears on your identity documents.

For Example

[first name] [last name]: eg. 'Sardar Omar'

To make things easy, we'll use our complete names and place our official job titles beneath them.

Robert Eric Johnson, PhD

Computer Engineering Specialist

Dr. Robert (Eric) Johnson (Computer Engineering Specialist).

Never include your work phone number on your CV; doing so will quickly render your private job search less private. Instead, make sure to add your own mobile phone number. In this manner, you are in charge of the voicemail message, the person who answers the phone, and the time it is picked up. To let employers know they have contacted the correct person, make sure to provide your name in the message when setting up your voicemail.

There are several forms that are appropriate when including your phone number on your CV, including:

For Example:

555-867-5309 | (555) 867-5309 | 555.867.5309

Additionally, you have the option of adding a label to your phone number, such as

For Example:

“Tel:”, “Ph:”, “Phone:”, “C:”, or “M:” (for mobile).

It's essential to include your email address on your CV. In fact, someone may judge your professionalism based on your email handle. You could still be using your college email if you recently graduated. Although it's not totally bad, this can show an employer that you're inexperienced.

Similar to the above, if you are sending a personal email, it may not sound as professional as it should. Your personal email, for instance, can use phrases or nicknames that are inappropriate on a job application. For Examples;

Inappropriate Email Address:

[email protected]

The email address in the example above is not appropriate for a business setting since it depicts a loving guy who adores Jami. If a recruiter receives the email from the example shown above, they probably won't even bother to read it.

Any additional words should directly relate to your job or area of expertise. Keep personal hobbies out of your username, and make sure your email address is both elegant and professional. We advise applying the following format:

For Example:

[first name].[last name]

Therefore, James should refrain from including his charming email address in his résumé and from using this email account to send any business emails. Instead, he might think about creating a new email account that appears professional.

Professional Email Address:

[email protected]

This is the major issue that most people find unclear and for which they continue to look. Should I put my whole address in my resume or would just mentioning the city and country work fine?

So, the answer is no, you don't have to submit your whole mailing address anymore. Many job applicants these days avoid including all of their contact information due to worries about identity theft or personal security, while others choose to utilise that valuable resume space for other facts that highlight their credentials.

The majority of recruiters search for local residents while hiring. Additionally, they won't be willing to fund your move unless the post is difficult to fill. So, to make things easy, just put the names of your city and country here.

Good Example:

Islamabad, Pakistan

Bad Example:

House No. 2, St. 84, G-6/4, Embassay Road, Islamabad

Include your city, state, and zip code on your resume if you're seeking work within a reasonable commute of your home. You may choose to exclude any postal address information if you're engaged in a long-distance job hunt or are willing to move.

You might be asking if it's necessary to provide my location if I'm already relocating to a different city or country and do not require a relocation package. Do this instead, though: Mention the location and the date of your move.

For Example:

Relocating to Lahore, in April 2023

Including social media on a CV has become standard practise. In fact, research reveals that the majority of recruiters look up your social profiles before determining whether to interview you. You may save recruiters time by listing the most pertinent social media links on your resume and providing them with the information they want.

Here are a few things to consider before mentioning your social media accounts on your resume.

  • Start by including the link to your public LinkedIn profile.
  • Only list additional social media profiles on your CV if they are relevant to your line of work.
  • Consider including a link to your blog or online portfolio if you work in the arts, for instance.
  • Ensure that any links you include on your resume will help rather than hinder your job search efforts, and that they are kept up to date.

The majority of our discussion up to this point has focused on the elements you need to include in your contact information section. But is there anything you'd like to leave out? In reality, quite a few things.

Let's look at a few examples:

Current job email address:

Do you really want your supervisor to know you're searching for a new position? in particular, while using your business email. This is also a terrible idea since it displays a lack of professionalism, and the new hiring manager who looks over your CV could feel uncomfortable calling you at your present place of employment.

Current job phone number:

Similarly, you shouldn't include your present workplace's phone number in your contact information. Despite the fact that your present employer is aware of your job search, your new possible employer could not be appreciative of the gesture and believe you are working behind their back. It's better to keep your personal phone number.


The HR manager isn't interested in wishing you a happy birthday. Only provide your date of birth if the job posting clearly requests it (for example, if you're applying for a bartender position where you must be 21 or older). Your age could work against you and encourage ageism. It is preferable to keep it off entirely.

Unprofessional email address:

As previously said, avoid using an email address you made in school that is several years old. If [email protected] is not accessible, use [email protected] or another variant to maintain your professionalism.

Your exact address:

Nowadays, very few companies connect with new recruits by using mailing services. It's sufficient to only put your phone number and email address; don't anticipate a letter saying "Congratulations, You're Hired!" to arrive in the mailbox.

In conclusion, the area of your resume devoted to your contact information is essential. To make sure you complete this part correctly, bear the following in mind:

  • Ensure that you provide the following mandatory details: location, first and last names, professional title, phone number, and email address. The following details, however, are optional: LinkedIn URL, social media profile(s), and whether or not it is relevant to your experience
  • To make things easy, include your complete name in your contact information and include your professional title underneath it (if unsure, simply write what the job ad says).
  • Maintain a professional image by using your own email and phone number for your contact information (i.e., not your current work contacts).
  • Are you unsure whether to add your LinkedIn profile? Go for it if it's current, optimised, and consistent with your résumé. If not, first ensure that it looks excellent and is up-to-date.
  • Lastly, is there anything your CV SHOULD NOT contain? Quite a few, indeed. Please feel free to exclude your current job's phone number and email address, your birthdate, an unprofessional email address, and your full home address.

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